Discover the Cur8 TOOLBOX for Learning and Development Professionals, Educators and Trainers
The Cur8 toolbox provides an array of tools and resources to support critical digital literacy, self-directed learning, content curation for learning and approaches to online collaborative learning.
It is an online repository where CVET, VET, workplace and adult educators and trainers can find the tools and resources they need to test out and implement the new digital approaches to the provision of teaching and learning.
The Cur8 Toolbox provides a range of Apps, e-tools, software, OER and best practice examples, that educators can use to support their own learning but also use with their adult learners to increase their critical digital literacy skills and ability to become self-directed learners. The Tools are categorised into: Curation; EdTech; Production and Resources. They can be searched via Tags.
Users are encouraged to review the tools and to suggest and share other that they consider useful.
Although most of the Tools are inevitably in English, you can also explore topics and tools in German, Bulgarian and Swedish