Cur8 Transnational Stocktaking Report: Executive Summary in Bulgarian
Cur8 Transnational Stocktaking Report: Executive Summary in Bulgarian
The Partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Sweden and the UK have undertaken an analysis of the extent to which CVET providers, Learning and Development Professionals and Adult Educators are applying
specific new digital technologies in their teaching and learning strategies. Our preliminary research indicates that this is a challenge for the majority of CVET providers, AE and workplace trainers.
This stocktaking activity also serves to identify, attract and engage CVET providers, Adult Educators and workplace trainers interested in joining the Cur8 project. Thus we have also developed a strategy for engaging educators into CPD opportunities that enhance their digital competences, with the aim of addressing the urgent need identified by DigCompEdu 2017.
Executive Summaries of the Report are available in Bulgarian, English German and Swedish
Find out more: Executive Summary in Bulgarian